Helen Dufton
The shop has been part of my life from the very beginning. As little girls I remember Vicky and I eating penny sweets on a Saturday afternoon, watching ‘Grandstand’ and playing the best games of ‘Hide & Seek’ ever!
My 20’s were spent having fun down in London and achieving a BA Hons degree in ‘Printed Textiles and Decorative Arts’, designing and printing my own wallpapers and furnishing fabrics.
I then worked at Chelsea Harbour for the beautiful French fabric house ‘Nobilis’ and my love for fine furnishings and interiors was born.
I came back home to Cheshire with my husband Mike in 2006 and joined the family business. Alongside my sister Vicky we have enjoyed the challenge of evolving the shop into the unique and exciting place that it has become today.
I am a proud Mum of two gorgeous kids and life is hectic and full to say the least… thankfully I have my ‘Gary Barlow’ calendar on the office wall to keep me sane!!!!