Blog 24th July 2019
Celebration 100 years of Arthur Lee Tea Party
In 2019 we reached our centenary here at Arthur Lee. Founded by the current owners great-grandfather in 1919, we had a year full of events to celebrate this amazing achievement in business.
One of our events was to hold a tea party on a midsummers day with an open invite to all customers to come along and join us in a cup of tea and some delicious sweet treats from our incredible cake table!
With the help of a local cake maker, Alice’s Vintage Pantry, who specialises in vintage tea parties, we took over the ground floor of the shop and had it set out like an old tea room. It was the perfect setting to get customers old and new together to show thanks for all the years of continued support for the shop. After all, we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for our incredible customer base… the cake table got well and truly destroyed, and we were left with only a few crumbs!!